I believe Satan and his followers were cast out of Heaven and were banned from entering ever again. This is why they work on the God Gene & their own immortality apart from the Creator. Satan is the god of this world and he has but a short time before fullness of the Gentiles. That period of time you speak about with electricity was when they and people summoned the demons and "knowledge" and here we are. Cern, where the www was birthed, has been operating since 1952 and has yet to be announced on mainstream.

I believe Satan and 1/3 of the angles were cast out and have been wreaking havoc since then. The changing of the dna is the game changer and we are living in perilous times & the end of days.

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Great video....I learn bits of the bible from you Hugo as I fund I don't really understand the bible too well and you break it down nicely....Thank you.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

When Jesus said, "get thee behind me Satan" he was then imprisoned in heaven. Only his evil spirits roam the earth now.; just like when Jesus departed, HE gave us the Holy Spirit. In the end days , there is a war in Heaven. Archangel Michael kicks Satan, and his demons, down to earth. That is why heaven is quiet for 1/2 an hour. Satan is a dead man walking, once he's on earth he knows he has but a short time. The hour of temptation was shortened, from 7 years to 5 months Rev 9 : 1-7, if they were not shortened, even God's Elect would be deceived. The first 2 1/2 months Satan (AC) is not here D'Facto. He has the NWO leaders serving him, and preparing for his arrival on earth. The first beast is politcal (NWO) and that system will have a head wound (most likely financial). The Anti- Christ (instead of Christ/religious beast) arrives on the scene with a grand entrance...like a rock star. He will come in peacefully and prosperously. He will perform miracles and heal the head wound. All you have to do is worship him (false Messiah) and you will have a chicken in every pot. The seal of Satan in your forehead (mind/heart) . Whom you serve. Worship this 2nd beast /False Christ(religious) and you get Free transportation, food, education, housing, medical, etc. God's Word reads that Jesus (true Messiah) will not return (777) until after that man of perdition is revealed (666).

666 comes before 777. Satan/AC will be revealed by the 2 witnesses, and God's Elect who are arrested for up to 10 days. They will not worry what they will say as the Holy Spirit will speak through them. Many will realize they have been deceived. That is why Jesus comes like a thief in the night, because most believe HE is already here.

3 days after AC murders the 2 witnesses , the real Jesus will step HIS foot down on Mt Olives. ALL will instantly be in their spiritual bodies. No physical hindrance to the full truth of God. That is why every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

How will you know it's the AC? Pinch yourself. No matter how convincing he is...if you are pinching ur flesh body...then he is the fake Christ. I highly recommend learning the 3 world/earth ages taught worldwide on Y.T by Pastor Arnold Murray. Gravette, Arkansas.

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3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?


How will all the world worship just one man without an ACT OF GOD HAPPENING?

43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Matthew 24:43

34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man

Luke 21

SEE.......Jesus took me to the tribulation and showed me a glimpse

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He was cast out of heaven before creation onto the earth when is was Void. He never when back to heaven again he was cast out altogether no place for them no more him and the bad angels. They: Satan and his friends had War no trust in them. God said. Satan was at the meeting that was on earth in the book of Job. He was walking up and down in the earth because they are bound here, he have no omnipresent only God. The short time is 6 days= equivalent to 6 thousands years. A day is 1 thousand year with God, the (short time) the time here is God time not ours time. We were not created yet Earth was Void. So when the short time is up 6 thousands years. He Satan and friend will on a Void Earth once again before the Sabbath day the 7th day of the week. For 1 day = 1 thousand year. For on the 7th day we will be in Heaven the 777 and the faithful one that come to know the truth in other denominations keepers and he will not be there and he is mad. For the people on Earth would of die at time for take Satan mark 666 the number of Man. The Earth will be Void at the end of the 6th day. Man was created on the 6th day at the end just before Sabbath day begin. Then man is put to sleep on the 6th day just before Sabbath begins again. See that is why we must keep the Sabbath day to be 777 to be or not to be is 666. God is nice that is why He does everything twice as a eye witness to truth. When they Satan and friend were cast out to Earth in the book of Revelation that part it is the beginning before our time of creation the Earth was here but Void that passage has to be line up altogether, it is the beginning before Genesis 1 :1 that is how the beginning of the story started then Genesis continues there after that how it begins. When God said woe under to the heavens and the sea and habitants of Earth. He God was speaking in the future to come of the creation of man. Man sin and is 6 and Satan takes man from God and is their god now 666. Our God of creation is 777. That how the story go. God bless.

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I do love this theory, it may have some truth, though I can't be swayed totally. Love this video Hugo, showing and sharing what you discover and learn.(for those that choose to 3.... The main issue is , WE ARE INDEED IN A SPIRITUAL WAR AGAINST SATAN & HIS DEMONS & we NEED TO TAKE GODS ARMOUR NOW PEOPLE !!! 🙏 ❤️🥹 love to all the innocents in the world suffering & persecuted.... I pray for you all 🙏 ❤️ 😞 ALWAYS 🙏

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one day at a time, is enough to get through don't look back don't want to become a pillar of salt.Thanks Hugo.I surrender all 🙏 to thee my Blessed Saviour Jesus.

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Thanks David.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Satan and his angels lost access to heaven at the moment Jesus ascended after successfully inaugurating the New Covenant. Jesus rejoiced at this soon-to-be reality when the 70 came back with news that even the demons were subject to them. (I think "short" might be better be translated "limited".) The Gospel Age (New Covenant Era) is what Satan will now have to deal with til the time of his annihilation. The truth of the New Covenant and its successful spread over the earth is what effectively connstrains him to the "bottomless pit". The "little season" mentioned in Rev 20 and Rev 6 is a 42 month period at the end of the Gospel Era in which Satan is released and becomes the unrestrained power behind the beast. Christianity has effectively lost its influence on society at this point, paving the way for the final great purge of martyrs (5th seal) immediately preceding Christ's coming in glory. That's how I see it. The Tunguska event was a warning from God of the birth pangs the world will experience as the end of the age draws nigh

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yes "short" is Greek kairos = a certain limited and definite portion of chronos, time.

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Thank you for that.

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I want to know about when he is cast into the lake of fire for 1000 years, what about the demons?

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I just tried to give a gift twice and was denied due to not knowing your E-mail address, and then had to reauthenticate mine. To get the E-mail I have to get offline to go to E-mail, losing all the donation info. But well worth the rigamarole. Excellent info and song. Thank you! I also was wondering when IT fell from heaven. I hate using it's name, as too many people are these days, giving it notoriety. I read a book by William Hendriksen called MORE THAN CONQUERORS, and he references Rev. 12 as when Jesus was taken up, that dragon was cast down. Still trying to authenticate William Hendriksen, so just sharing.

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Hi. Hugo, I have heard of The Tungusta Event but I didn't do any real research into it, you put together a very good piece and I'm going to look into it a bit more. You sound a little hoarse, I hope you're looking after yourself. Happy Christmas and God Bless, Vince in London.

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Happened at the end of November when Kissinger tried crashing the gates.

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Good one!

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Thank you again for sharing, Hugo. I hope you and your family are well. I am truly unsure about the time of the fall of satan, I have heard many sound and scriptural views. What I do know is that there is definitely something sinister about that incident, and the fact that it was not publicized much gives more credence to it having meaning of monumental significance. Thank you

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Awesome observation Hugo. Thank you. Something to think about that is for certain. I had never heard of this event before and actually re electricity-tech being used increasingly against us and many not seeing all this right before them makes a lot of reasoning for the case you are putting forth.

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This is very interesting indeed and resonates as truth , I often felt surely things can't possibly go on much longer , that we surely must be passed the time when satan was cast out as to look around , it's evident, toys are being thrown out of the pram so to speak. I also found this research paper on mysterious shards of glass found in a lake in Siberia, firmament shatters perhaps.


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Arnold Murray's teaching on "The Three Earth Ages" is an excellent teaching. I wish every Believer could hear. I hope you have a Companion Bible (E. W. Bullinger's notes SO helpful). It was because of Arnold Murray I invested in a Companion Bible in 2007 the best Study tool.

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