Hugo as always, THANKYOU for a very enlightening video. Pretty much , 100% EXAXTAMUNDO... If the dark forces who control the masses worship Satan in their secret clubs, THEN SURELY Jesus/God exist as the opposite? History has been manipulated to fit in with the narrative of the world controlling evil doers... People must lose their ignorance & open up to the truth which is in the true "Word of God" ! Every day is a learning day (not a school day 🤔) We MUST Open ourselves up the wonders of the world & God's promise to us, his beloved children, created in his image... Love, peace, health & happiness to all the tribe... Go bro Hugo 🥹❤️🙏🏼

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Here in the USA we have a 2-headed SNAKE political party system which is getting the population divided amongst each other as usual & yes, it has been designed this way from the beginning. The playwright is stellar at times especially the played out drama of candidates lives & how I see & hear our population (the sheep) discussing the script as if it were a real story. There is usually no use for discussion I find as people somehow take what the media plays as truth. 😳Unfortunately we must endure not only the tyrants connected to the Satanic agenda but also the sheep who are mindlessly following. I know that JESUS is watching the entire movie down here on earth (play out) & I find myself having to come up with very clever ways to communicate & distance myself at times to avoid conflict among people in general, maybe more so because an election year right now.

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Very true, I am beginning to understand a little about how the disciples at the time of Jesus felt. I know here in America we are not going through physical persecution yet I think that is coming

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Spot on Hugo! All denominations, (demon-nations) the same, same, idea. They divide, they are "walls" and "names" of division. There is ONE BODY OF CHRIST, the Pauline use of the word "Church", there is the Body (church) of Christ in _______ (insert where you live). This is the Mature "man" of Ephesians 4:13 with Christ as The Head. We don't "go to church" we ARE THE CHURCH. When the Body of Christ "gets" this understanding we will be ONE COMPOUND UNITY WITH FATHER/ SON/HOLY SPIRIT. I would add to your definition of "devil" fig. a traducer, false accuser, slanderer, spec. Satan . Strong's #1228, from #1225 which is a #1223 (dia) & #906 (ballo)

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Bjorn ain't gonna like this one.

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Anyone promoting the Vikings (Roman Empire), or Viking Mythology as something good is representing the Beast.

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That would explain his anti-Christian stance. Grown men play-acting, in any case, is kind of lame.

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