Fear is to the Enemy what FAITH is to God, i.e. God works through Faith (in Christ Jesus and His Finished Work on the Cross for Salvation). The enemy works through fear. Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real. I wanted to underline and bold F-E-A-R in the phrase but it won't let me. So many Bible Verses with Fear Not. God is Love and there is NO FEAR in LOVE!!

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Tha you Hugo

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Thank you Hugo, although, "The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." (Psalms 19:9) I have come to accept that it is the fear of the Lord that has restrained the appetites (passions) of Lions, and has guarded the souls of the lambs. Just knowing that you have the power to crush an enemy(s), does not necessarily mean that you have a rightful duty to do so, if your first allegiance is to the first commandment, then you know that God will deal with the wicked mercifully as long as his patience endures, but the collective sins of the people are undoubtedly tempting and provoking him to jealousy. In following Jesus's example of "not my will, but thy will be done" is always the best way to remember that we did not come to be served, but to serve.

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Spot on all looks so pantomime like at the mo- ignore ignore and think spiritually 🙏🏼

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Thank you Hugo x

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You're so right!

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Great video Hugo, many thanks brother.... Always with you... Reading the book of Isaiah currently. So much clarity, every time I come around again 😲🙏🏻

The more I read each time I discover new understandings of scripture... So pleased I have; 'Hugo Talks' to compliment my own views and belief. There Is NO Argument, only a clear knowledge of our life and our creation... ALWAYS, something Old that becomes a NEW.... I so love my good book and thankyou Hugo... keep shining bro Loved always ✨️ 🙏🏻❤️ blessings love and peace to all. May the tribe grow and be enforced with the Holy Spirit for ever x x amen x 🙏🏻

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