I thought this relevant to share again. 1 Samuel 8:7 onwards.

Everyone should read 1 Samuel 8, from verse 7 onward, where the people rejected God and demanded another King to rule their affairs. In Chapter 7, God told Samuel Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee; for they have not rejected thee, but they have REJECTED ME. It tells all the awful things a King would do to them, and they still wanted a king "to be like the other nations". Verse 18 God says: And you shall cry out in that day because of your king which YE SHALL HAVE CHOSEN YOU, and the Lord will not hear you in that day. That's why I don't vote. If I was made to vote, I would write in Jesus Christ, "who already rules all nations with a rod of iron." People need to read and believe the Bible!!! "My people are being destroyed due to lack of knowledge." OR, as Hugo says...are taking in the wrong kind of knowledge...forbidden knowledge included. OUR GOD REIGNS! [show less]

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Tain also means to hold onto as in maintain.

Ment also means pertaining to the mind as in mental,

Therefor entertainment is to enter into your brain and hold onto you mentally.

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Wow. excellently explained. I never thought of breaking down that word. yes, understood...you made it crystal clear. And as I drive through town, it's sad, in seeing all the candidate signs...one man had painted his entire fence with a huge TRUMP in all bright colors, stars and flag. I heard that Motor Vehicles wanted to make people register to vote when they receive their license. No thanks. When they "mandate" or try to force REAL ID, that's when I give up driving. I've already got a REAL ID, as I'm a child of the King! And will never follow another. Thanks Hugo. May God bless you richly this day, and protect what you are sharing as long as possible. OUR GOD REIGN!

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These characters are paraded in the media as a distraction for the masses. All the while, the Synagogue of Satan consolidates its power in the shadows. It has everything in place now and anxiously anticipates the unleashing of its prince from the bottomless pit.

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As always great video Hugo, I make progress with sharing the truth to be told: "Yes you are probably right, but the man who was on the 'Tell-Lie-Vision said ! And he is a real person and not a fake? SO BLINDED ARE THE MASSES THEY ACCEPT IT ALL.. ONLY FAITH IN GOD OUR FATHER AND JESUS AS OUR SAVIOUR CAN SAVE THOSE WHO ARE BLINDED BY THE LIES OF THE BEAST SYSTEM.

Love peace and blessings to all


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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Thank you Hugo. I don't agree with everything you say but I agree with about 95% of it. And your voice is getting stronger. Be well Hugo

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