Aug 13Liked by hugotalks

Spot on with this one 100%. You had said this so long ago, and in different ways regarding how the anti-vaccine movement was supporting the Trump rallies and how ridiculous it was and that was a very long time ago so now we see these "truth" channels (that I have mostly unsubscribed from), with their grotesque imagery and exaggerated cartoons showing world leaders, like it's supposed to grab your attention-but only if you are just looking for cartoonish perspectives. Thank you Hugo

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As always THANKS HUGO...

The Truth is in God's Word.... Anything else is just false.

The Lord is MY Shepherd 😌 ♥️ 🙏🏼

Love peace & blessings to all...

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I have been reading thru the Scriptures, chronologically, for the last 10 years and am still learning His truth! Just a few weeks ago I asked our Heavenly Father two questions and He showed me the answers in the Scriptures........

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Amazing how many times this happens Katie...

Blessings to you 🙏🏼♥️

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Several times now. However, I have asked a few questions I haven't gotten the answers to but I keep looking in the Scriptures and speak to the Father about them.

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The word "sheeple" was coined by Bill Cooper, a modern day conspiracy theorist who was apparently considered dangerous by the US gov't . In June 2001 he predicted that bin laden would be blamed for a major attack soon to take place on US soil., and warned his audience not to believe it. He lost a leg in a car attack and later lost his life while on his porch in a shootout initiated by US marshals. in Nov 2001 In the 90s he was the first to call out Alex Jones as a fraud. Bill believed the Bible.

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Yes. I remember. That term from him initially meant those who blindly followed the media propaganda. He probably should have said "lemmings" instead because as Hugo addressed, it seems to covertly imply Christians.

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Bill equated sheeple with lemmings. Unfortunately, many Christians do not know their Bibles For example, what percentage of people who call themselves Christians are Christian Zionists? These people are sheeple, not true sheep.

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I agree. I recall that he considered himself a "Christian". Current Christianity has mostly been infiltrated and twisted as people rely on the deceived pastors for information rather than read the Bible on their own.

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The truth is within, took me decades to understand this lol.

Thank you Hugo, you're a good one, have a beautiful day.

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It is only from Jesus Christ because Satan also will instill perspectives within you.

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I believe the beast is also within, the ego, the " reptillian brain ", so i do agree. The battle within is the most important battle we face. Have a good day.

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Blessings ♥️🙏🏼🥹

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I chose my name a long time ago when I was still attempting to separate truth from fact. I am aware that both mainstream and "alternative" are just two wings of the same bird and ultimately controlled from the same source. My "truth" is from Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, not from outside sources, so from your understanding and perspective, I need to change my name as I am no longer seeking it but have found it through the Holy Spirit.

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Well, you can keep the name and just keep on seeking the truth of Christ always. The truth of our Father. To know Him better, as someone else said... to read and reread scripture within different moods of yourself, different times of your life and different perspectives, so we are always learning as Hugo Long ago (and I mean years and years ago) showed me, our Father owns the truth.

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Yes. Thank you. I feel as though I will always continue to learn and grow as long as I am alive on this Earth.

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