On the flip side of the coin, there are the issues the media intentionally avoids, e.g. the unexpected death of Thomas Massie's wife last week. Of course, the media also ignored his recent interview with Tucker Carlson.

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Yes true. It's difficult not to be inquisitive, especially when you expect we've all be lied to and blindly and have followed. But I take on board Hugo's wise advice..

NASA laundering billions under the guise of furthering technology to advance mankind.

Recently, I read about the Voyager with its 1977 technology still supposedly sending back all sorts of information to us. Mmmmmm, I didn't even question this unto I read the article.

You can find it on Terra Times on substack. Or I guess just lump it in with all the other psyops and move on to live and love people knowing that regardless, God has it all in hand.

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Thank you Hugo...beautifully presented and a reminder to obey God's commandments daily and not be seduced by the devil. Time to repent. God bless 🙏 you and your family.

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