Jul 6Liked by hugotalks

A comment on Hugo for once and not the 'loosh' 🤯


for another great video. ALWAYS appreciated and welcomed. Very few people share my beliefs, and to have seen and been with you from the begining gives me great hope. When I see your growth mirroring mine and many others alike, is a joy that God surely must welcome ✨️ ☺️🙏🏼

I include in my prayers, that you keep up the good work and continue to share your knowledge, info and opinions... May God's word and the Holy spirit continue to shine through you Hugo. As always love, peace and blessings to all...


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Never heard the term. People caught up in the New Age are forever searching, never satisfied. Only the Truth can satisfy. When you find it you know it. No counterfeit can touch it or even come close.

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That brought a favorite song to mind. Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul...and only He can change your heart, and make you whole. He'll give you peace you never knew, sweet love and joy, and heaven too, for only Jesus can satisfy your soul. The other verses are wonderful too, and SO TRUE! Keep singing hymns and praises to our King, because no evil beings want to hang around to listen. PTL Singing is another form of constant prayer. The sacrifice of praise. I don't see how anyone can have any joy without Him. "And now they call the proud HAPPY." At least they think they are. SAD

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They want to destroy God & Holy Scripture & the truth

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It's so very sad that sooooo many are falling for it, having watched the awful changes from loving God and devouring His Words of life, to speaking against it and hating Him, and worshiping the host of heaven. And also hating all who worship the Lord, and will not take part in their newfound "wisdom". Thinking they have love and light. And nothing reaches them. Not even years of tears and prayers. Thank you for sharing this. It's all part of their new beliefs..."new age crappola." Ooops, dung. It's hard to see them lost. For every soul is precious, and its redemption ceaseth forever. Stay in God's Word, as Jesus said, "Ye are my disciples, IF YOU REMAIN IN MY WORD." And if they speak not according to this Word, THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THEM. OUR GOD REIGNS! PTL

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Totally love your work Hugo… However…

I don't care what term they use for it, they-them-whoever-controllers of our world are not entirely human and they live off of our collective emotion. This was demonstrated in the movie monsters Inc. and can also be proven by the many large stadiums, gatherings, churches, events, anywhere where people are gasping in unison, crying in unison, laughing in unison or anything like that, that energy is harvested by these other beings. Call it what you want, mock if you like, but they've already revealed it to us in the movie monsters Inc.

Thank you for your work Hugo, it is much appreciated

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If you don't have Jesus Christ what do you have?

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Monroe wasn't really a guru, at least not when he wrote his first book. He was just a normal guy who was having involuntary OBEs. And his descriptions of the OBEs matches up with other people's, including myself.

The funny thing is that I don't think there is any other record of him discussing loosh apart from a chapter in his second book. He or any members of his foundation would not discuss it and pretended it never existed.

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