3 very good points, Hugo. Thank you. And you're right, this issue will become of more and more potentially deadly significance if we are heading into the last of The End Time.

I believe there may be a 4th element to watch for. I believe every one of us will also know in our spirit when The Lord truly returns. Why after all would He allow anyone to miss this eternal life saving sign? As He is Love and Truth, I don't believe He would allow one single person to miss it

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

For those who study scripture and understand who and what the "Church" is in Pauline sense of the word, i.e. The Body of Christ, here is what I've come to believe. However, I have not yet met any other "begotten from above Believer" who sees it this way. From God's Word we know Christ Jesus is the Head of The Body (those who Believe in the finished work of Christ on the Cross as their Lord and Savior). We know from God's Word, that those who are alive at His coming, will be changed in a "twinkling of on eye", that is they receive their Spiritual Body. Those who have gone on prior to, will come back with Christ Jesus. SO... the whole world will see Christ the Head, and The Body, AS ONE AND THE SAME TIME, we are not separate from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (John 17). THIS is what I believe and why no living person will miss the 2nd Advent of our precious Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. Believers world wide and the Head, Christ Jesus Himself all ONE. Are we not to "grow up into the full stature of the man Christ Jesus?" I could list all the scriptures backing up what I believe, but will Trust the Great Teacher, The Holy Spirit to bring all the verses to your remembrance and pray a light bulb goes on. I once asked some one who was raised up with a Pentecostal preacher father, and who is very engaged in social media, and is someone who I believe is sincerely "begotten from above" and Loves the Lord and His Word: "So how does the whole world see Jesus when He returns all at the same time?" Her answer was "the Internet". I'm not sure if she was making a joke, or if she really believes it. I shared what I have come to understand, but not sure she grasped the concept, or even entertained the idea long enough to search the scriptures for herself.

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