As always Hugo thanks for a great video, a breath of hope and fresh air and as always, WELCOMED... I would give my last breath to keep my bible. God gave me this body, (in my opinion though) it came on loan. To see how I managed it. And I failed. However, knowing I am forgiven & loved, NOW I GIVE MY WHOLE TO THE LORD. No half cup, it is: "ALL IN" & I've never looked back since... I recently was told i am dying and my lungs are now, "Done for"... No sadness, no regrets or bitterness. I did it to myself & I pray for forgiveness. My father loves me I know this... I will NOT, nor will I EVER, turn away from Jesus Christ of Nazareth our saviour, and my Father the one true God of all creation... TO ALL THE TRIBE, LOOK AFTER YOUR BODIES, SUCH A SPECIAL GIFT, CHOSEN BY GOD. How special are we??? VERY SPECIAL IN GODS EYES.

Love & Peace to all, ✨️🤗❤️🥹❤️🙏🏼

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God bless you brother David, wonderful testimony, praying for you❤️

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Thank you, Hugo. You explained so perfectly. Reminds me of the Borg in Star Trek, "You will be assimilated, resistance is futile." Not if we don't engage with the beast any more than what is necessary to get the Word of God out, until that is outlawed. the WWW World wide spider web, spreading it's tentacles around the whole world. Ooops, that's octopus...similar. I think of Jean Luke Picard always saying, Engage...so when the time comes we do the opposite of what the beast says, and DISENGAGE. And seek our Lord, and His Words of Life full time. I look back on all the wasted days and hours I've spent in the past binge-watching all the Star Trek movies and re-runs. Thank you for sharing the real and present danger of being slowly assimilated. I have not had a phone for about 3 years now, and won't.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

I watch the old 1960s Star Trek when I need some "bubble gum" for the brain, i.e. entertainment. When I watch those, I'm amazed at the technology... the communicators, talking computers to analyze etc. Seems the "false prophet" planned from so far back, all living today have been "groomed" or sucked in to following.

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I am glad I saw them now, as they foretold what they had planned. Even Wesley's "nanites". And there was SO MUCH revealed in the Tolkien trilogy. Looking back...we can see now why they made them. Even the communicator/emblem! We are awaiting THE RETURN OF THE KING! Not theirs, but ours! What a glorious hope we have...in our King of kings, and Lord of lords. It also makes me sad for all who don't have that hope, but think they do in the dragon. And I am almost sorry I ever saw a computer. But they ARE bringing about prophecy, and the end. Blessings to you! My Sister in Christ. And all who love Him.

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Easy - Bible Scripture without question, without a shadow of doubt.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 6

The hypothetical choice you present here may actually materialize in the not-too-distant future, Hugo. Revelation 20 gives us the timeline. The word "thousand" throughout the entire chapter is in the plural Greek form. The Gospel Age commenced ca 30AD and lasts 2000 years. 30 + 2000 = 2030. That's how I interpret it. That means we're not far from the release of Satan from the bottomless pit. His main goal will be the eradication of Christians and Christianity from the face of the planet. Loss of freedoms and privileges, including internet access, will be implemented against anyone who refuses to comply with the beast's imperatives. Hard copies of the Bible will be an indispensable prep for every Christian.

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SCRIPTURE HANDS DOWN! I know full well we will have to "unplug" one day. The Internet will become a serious of locks, that you use a digital I.D. to access. I won't get or use a Digital I.D. for anything. I have lived before without Internet and without T.V. it's entirely doable. A person has more time for reading (with understanding) and studying God's Word. More time to get outside in nature away from technology very liberating indeed! It's a WIN/WIN/WIN to actually unplug.

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Hugo you have been spot on about most everything. I thought I was given a repentance period And then I removed myself from social media on May 17. Your message comes to my email because I choose you, I have a few on bitchute or rumble but lately even those sources seem to be using these exaggerated and overproduced graphics, turning the faces of the people that we dislike into grossly disfigured exaggerations and the like, and propping up war news that to me looks mostly fake. So the Holy Spirit has me disengaging more and more each day, and I have to shield my eyes from the entertainment that we rarely watch, mostly old programs, but even then, the violence is terrible. I hope they shut it down soon. All of it.

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