For the most part I cannot listen to secular music anymore. It was a tool used to cause me to have sinful thoughts in my mind as I paired music with lust. Once I stopped listening to secular music those sinful thoughts stopped and that has been for about 9 years now. Artists such as Heart, Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks, Adele, Katy Perry........... Look up John Todd and listen to him discuss how the master copy of the record/CD is taken to witches to have spells cast on it. God led me to hear this from John Todd after I asked God "Why can't I get past this sin?"

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In my mind I was thinking, "what was that guy's name".... John Todd" that's it-THAT interview will make you repent of all the music, especially the part where he said that David Crosby verified for him that they still do spellcasting and call Satan for the recording of the music. Wow just wow. And Todd is one of the illuminati families.

Good one on that, I was just about to look it up ! Very brave man. And he gives no quarter-he tells you to get out of it, plain and simple.. my sin was anger with it. Bands like tool, Alice In Chains, I had suppressed, repressed anger and it was damaging me. I will not go back.

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Yes, John Todd's sharing, regarding music, just made so much sense to me. I had victory for almost 2 1/2 years, regarding the thoughts, and listening to a particular piece of music is what caused me to sin again. So when I heard him share about the spell casting I was able to make the connection between my thoughts and music. I am also concerned regarding spiritual music as well..........

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Just remember, these awful things we've gone through are sin traps for sure, but to be able to share them with others and maybe help a stranger along the way is such a beautiful thing.

I like listening to Hugos music and it has inspired me to sing my own songs for my heavenly Father, they're really not as good as his but I'm sure my Father loves them just as much. But I would love to create something beautiful like that music before I leave this earth. Thanks for sharing-it's always a victory in Jesus

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Sep 6·edited Sep 7

Good one! Hugo I think you touch upon this; and so I would add that it's not only the lyrics which can lead us away from God but also the frequencies of the music. These intentionally negative vibrations, which are not always perceived consciously, can and do act on the subconscious, often leaving us rattled, empty and unsatisfied. Obviously most keep coming back for more to fill the void that cannot be. Music composition and recording can be corrupted in all it's aspects. I would suggest an interesting follow-up to this episode by exploring so-called contemporary 'worship music' and all other genres that are not negative on the surface, much of it seems affected in this way at some deeper level. Yes, the lyrics may be good, but the vibe, incessant beat (for example) and general intensity often leaves little room for contemplation and communion with God. For many, this becomes yet another obsession of filling your time with garbage (like media).

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Hugo… I rarely comment; however this posting touched me. I admit having been attracted to the likes of ACDC’s music and riffs, and I enjoyed their songs. Yet, I was not aligned with the lyrics. Those hellish lyrics which eventually repelled me from listening to them anymore. I get what you are saying.

I also get it when you say the music, itself, can be a gift from God. But that music is often, too easily, usurped by the lyrics.

As for me, I still feel deeply empowered by Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” (originally, titled “Driving Through/To Kashmir”.) It is STILL my song of inspiration, which I regard as persistence in pushing forward through difficult, dark, evil terrain—toward my goal of goodness, love and wellbeing. Much akin to the spiritual battle we are embroiled in now.

Jimmy Page’s inimitable guitar and musical composition conveys a persistence and conviction of marching through the darkest of circumstances and most dire of challenges, with determination . I can even interpret the lyrics to support my vision, with Robert Plant’s superlative vocals.

It is inspiring to me, when so many dark and almost satanic popular songs of the past USED to appeal. They no longer do.

I call “Kashmir” my “Power Song.” At least it focuses my attention back to God and my true nature.

But it’s all in individual perception, right?

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Randi, when considering what "individual perception" is: what is both internalized and externalized are all of God's creation, but in a relationship with Jesus Christ, what resonates with his truth is both micro (internal) and macro (external). The shared perception of God is manifest in both individuals, like Hugo, as well as small groups like churches. Keeping in mind the words of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

22 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it." Luke 17:20-22

Walking by faith in Jesus does not require the use of our corporal senses as we understand them, but that intrinsic knowledge that before Abraham was, I AM has echoed down to us through the generations, unchangeable, immutable, and eternal.

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