My friend has just paid £355.00 per ticket for oasis. She paid for 2 !!

Absolutely ridiculous.

I’m just worshiping God. He doesn’t expect money from me.

And he loves me.

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Satan has used music to spread his propaganda throughout time, but especially in the 20th century with the advent of the satanically dominated Hollywood music industry.

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Sep 4Liked by hugotalks

I agree that it's everything Hugo says and so much more. Anyone being promoted now is part of the satanic agenda-no question about it-their music should be rejected, the beats within the music, and the subliminal messaging, the tonal frequencies they use on the crowds, no way.

And I have repented of my own sin of this in the past, I was a big concert girl. Big music girl. Had to delete my entire playlist in 2020 but I never looked back

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Satan/Devil, may also be associated with music according to the KJV, NKJV, ASV indicate this in Ezekiel 28:13 where the term "timbrels" or "tabrets" are used. See Strong's H8596. Associated possibly with "tambourine." Other versions of the Scriptures use the terms: settings instead. Referring to jewelry. We can also look at the term "pipes" H5345 Strong's........just putting this out for consideration.

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2:25 Sounds like MAGA.

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