Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Very good Hugo! Yes, EVERYONE is included in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus on the Cross. The Father accepted Jesus' sacrifice on behalf of ALL humanity for ALL SIN (and confirmed this by Resurrection). I pray that all humanity hear about the Free Gift of Salvation and then come to the realization that all they have to do is Receive (Accept, Open) this Free Gift of Salvation.

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This is my favourite of your songs. Thank you for this talk. If you believe , it makes sense, otherwise it can seem obscure.

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I am getting 3 E-mail notices to your videos. My comments appeared on this same title, but a different page.

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I have not had that problem, but I've noticed if folk go direct to YouTube there is a different set of comments. I Boycott YT so always listen from Hugo's website. That being said, it's been a day of weird Internet glitches for me, things not working, having to update drivers and such. I've spent a day of "troubleshooting" various issues. So, frustrating, technology is.

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Also, my email account, seems to be acting weird today, some emails disappearing completely, and I know I wasn't the one deleting them.

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I've had all kinds of glitches also, weird things, and YouTube boycotted ME. HA HA. google too, and facebook. There seems to have been a change, as they ramp up AI sabotaging truth, and implementing 5g and who knows what else. Thanks for sharing. Truth has fallen in the streets is coming true, as the Bible says. Not allowed. Sometimes I wish I'd never even seen a computer. It sure has changed the world. WWW World Wide spider web...Vav vav, vav or is the (Wau) 666. But we'll keep trying to get the truth out until it's no longer possible. And I will not use a cell phone with its satanic apps. OUR GOD REIGNS!

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Where did my comments go?! There were more comments before. There were 6. Why did they disappear?

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