The answer to that no, as it is not yours to sel. But as you can give your body to the devil

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I was 20 seconds in to this video , before I "STOPPED"... I had to pop here to comment.

As always an anticipated great video ? BUT OH YES, & OH HALELUJAH Hugo.

Indeed the soul is not 'OURS' to trade.... We CAN INDEED SELL OUR BODY & DEEDS in the physical realm. BUT OUR SOUL is the Lords, and it is his will that we accept....

Corrupt money and fame is not a Godly thing it is simply sinful of greed , power, fame and all the trappings that go with... Those who believe they are selling their souls, "ONLY the owner can trade" you are merely a Tennant.... A squatter if you will... Though the Lord our father would NEVER send bailiffs to your home..

God's love & mercy πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Love, peace and blessings ❀️ to all πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€—

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Why have you blocked me from commenting on your bitchute channel ? i have never been disrespectful towards anybody ? do you have an agenda Hugo ? ive shared your uploads many times & just because i don't agree with your interpretation of scripture you banned me lol, you're a very sensitive dude.

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Why have you blocked me from commenting on your bitchute channel ? i have never been disrespectful towards anybody ? do you have an agenda Hugo ? ive shared your uploads many times & just because i don't agree with your interpretation of scripture you banned me lol, you're a very sensitive dude.

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Have I?, well If I have then it will be because you posted something that was provably false, I have no time for people who are spreading provable falsehoods in regards to scripture especially on that platform. You should leave bitchute, it is a completely toxic environment created and designed to take those that have some discernment 'truthers, conspiracy theorists' basically those that have the possibility of salvation and then target them specifically to corrupt and defile them with an avalanche of nonsense.

This type of thing which I'm talking about in this video, how celebrities have sold their soul to the devil, this type of thing is fed to you by the same people that feed you lies all day long, yet some choose to believe this without any real evidence to back it up.

These celebrities should be irrelevant to you,

they have no relevance to your individual life.

BUT there is one way they do have relevance to you....

One way is that you can be influenced to hate these people and bear false witness against them, these avatars are being utilized by the devil to corrupt YOU. and defile YOU.

it does this through the media, it cleverly takes you and gets you to hate them, therefor hating your fellow man, and also bearing false witness (2 commandments broken). See how it works.

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This is a long reply please read it without judging me please.

Hugo, you're jumping to conclusions about what i believe, i may watch some uploads on bitchute, yet im fully aware of the subversion going on, in so many pervasive ways now. Why are you using it ?

Hugo i do know the players. i have NO FAITH in our civilization, the system or culture, & i have no hate for anyone either, even the parasites within this world & without. i understand the trap set by them, this circus & clown world, im in this world but not of it.

Im trying to walk the narrow path, as you & many good folk are, & rise out of this dualistic system we're in, & just because i don't exactly align with your interpretation of scripture, doesn't mean you should ban me, are you the pervaer of truth ? Yet i understand its your channel your rules, im ok with that of course. BTW, ive asked you this before but you never respond. Its like you think im trying to corrupt people, you should have the confidence to discuss this but its your perogative of course; have you read the Shepard of Hermes? Seriously, i'm not out to " corrupt " you or anybody, & why is your interpretation definitively true over anothers, isn't the Good Lord within us ALL ?

Regarding what i posted for you to ban me, i would have to know what you deemed a falsehood. Yet, to some degree you are being dogmatic, & judging what is objective truth, you should know that scripture has been manipulated to some degree at the least, & debating it shouldn't trigger you to ban someone if they aren't rude, which i rarely a, im not perfect of course lol. Sorry if i offended, i know it wouldn't have been my intention, i think you're a top dude for all you have shared over the years, you have helped me much, thank you, but you're human to & can be wrong as we all can.

I have the hardcopies of books like the Bible, i have the Red Letter version to, the Naghadmi Gospels, Dead sea scrolls, Book of Enoch, & the early Christian gnostics, The Talmud, The Koran, Upanishids, amoung others. ive also collected books from other cultures regarding their myths, especially in early Mesopotamia, The Celts, & Native Americans. Also some of the great minds of Greece & Rome like Plotinus, Heraclitus, Plato, Ovid, Senneca, or the Plinys. What happened to righteous folk before scripture or before the Torah were they damned ?

Ive also establishment my own relationship with the Good Lord within after searching my whole life trying to fill that void, i wont use the word " god " as the etymology has connatations to ritual sacrifice, & i believe it is subversive, as is much within our language.

I don't want to type anymore explaining my views, & beliefs, be here for ages lol, & you may delete it lol, so would be a waste of my time.

Its no problem Hugo, but you aren't the man who owns the truth, maybe you should check your ego mate, im not trying to offend or subvert you or anyone, you should be at peace with your beliefs regardless of others.

Sorry to wax lyrical lol, have a good day dude.

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