Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

Hugo. I wont to give you a big hug. Goodness I feel so alone as I have known allnthis for years. Keep up the good work itvwill have an impact for those struggling with this deceptive world. Carolyn from New Zealand.

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Many of us are now alone, but never alone. The world will hate you sure holds true, as does all of God's living Words of life. It's so hard when family, brethren and friends turn on you, and there's no one left to even talk to...because they don't want to hear the truth. We, the family of God are hangething in there together, and I am grateful that Hugo provides a means for us to communicate also. Bless you and prayers for all who are lonely. It's a taste of what Jesus suffered also, being forsaken by almost all of the world now. WOW. Just so almost unbelievable how many have turned against such a great love and Savior for what is only stealing their souls away. SAD. But, we will all persevere if only together in prayers.

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Thanks Crystal, you are so right. I am alone in many ways but not defeated or depressed. My Creator has given me so many blessings and productive things to do. I live on a beautiful farm with great neighbours. My grown children are believers and love me. But there are few people I can discuss these current topics with. I am just a conspiracy theorist, revisionist, anti government person lol. Oh well.

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When you Have Jesus Christ, you have everything...

He is the Way, the Truth and the Life

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I have a favorite "proverb"... "If we meet and you forget me, you've lost nothing.

If you meet Jesus Christ and forget Him, YOU HAVE LOST EVERYTHING!"

I must decrease, He must increase. Devil says: He must decrease, I must increase. So sad that people are now thinking THEY are a great I AM, instead of the one and only King of Kings and Lord of Lords being the ONLY I AM THAT I AM. As you shared: Jesus is the only way, truth and life. PTL

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Amen ☺️ 🙏 ♥️

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Feeling so much hate... WE SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED my friend, with the armour of God we wear and the holy Spirit we're given. ❤️🙏

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God's 🙌 blessings Carolyn 🥹 your not alone ❤️✝️ UK hug your way 🤗🙏

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

There's so much of this. That one channel alone introduces the watcher to hundreds more, looking at that quest speaker list. That's how they do this. They bombard you with information and get each other to back it up for credibility. but it's chaotic, because a person can't get through all these people quick enough. That's how they are successful. They confuse and deceive, deceive and confuse until the watcher believes it.

Satan is a tempter. DON'T be tempted.

And let's not forget that the great falling away *apostacy will be Christians. You can't fall off a chair if you wasn't standing on it. It will be the lukewarm Christians turning against true Christians. Watch carefully brothers and sisters. We need to be sober-minded and able to discern all that Hugo discusses here, and more. God bless and ENDURE. 1st Thessalonians 4.10-18 and chapter 5 also are a great reminder of what we should be doing and be mindful of.

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God bless you Hugo,for all you do.Peace and Love in the name of Jesus.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

You are the best at revealing the Word and thankyou (and others) for your kind comment when I was trolled recently in the most agressive manner - you cheered me up.

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There are people that come into comments to be deliberately offensive in order to put you off watching these videos, I've noticed this tactic on the website as well.

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The Father, knows you Heart Hugo, as He has called you, we can confirm this because most of us are Family... As we Hold Jesus Christ near to us, we know his Voice when he speaks to us, as we who know Him, have a real Daily relationship with him... As we speak the same language... But there are some, know not the Father, or the son, but still there is time for them to Repent & Listen for His voice... Just all they have to do is ask him to reveal himself to them, and Yes Jesus Christ will...

((john 3 v 16-18 kjv))

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks


There aren’t many like you.

I hope you can get your things sorted with your main website and post as they were before and with the email notifications of your videos.

To be blinded then led without knowing by Evil is the fashion now , but to have you to show us the light of truth and the correct pathway with Jesus as our Saviour is something we should all embrace.

You are a great Bible teacher and one day will have your own regular show as people realise that Jesus is the only way.

Thank you Great Hugo and I want all the best for you.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

We all know there is only one true God.blessings to you Hugo for your great work in doing the Lords work.

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Created In GOD Image YOU are Spot On JESUS bless you and keep you safe ! Praise JESUS for his SPIRIT AND FOR HIS WATCHMEN

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

Brilliant & spot on Hugo. Thank you ❤🌎🙏

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

Hi Hugo brilliant video as usual 🙏 btw I have just had an email notification from your website via wordpress re this video, so maybe wordpress are backing down and letting you post videos again on your website? 👍 take care and God bless

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Thank you Hugo 😊. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual powers. Love your channel ❤ you are an inspiration.

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The Holy Spirit enables the believer to differentiate truth from lies.

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Amen brother! It makes sense that the closer we get to the End Time that satan is pushing the world away from Jesus. This reinforces the absolute need to seek Jesus and read His Word daily and throughout the day. I have come to realize how important it is to read His Word and pray especially at night like you spoke about in one of your previous videos on sleep. We must put our armor on daily.

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Satan is very busy putting out false doctrines to confuse and deter. He attempts to snatch away the Word of God from the person who hears it.

Luke 8:11-12

11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by hugotalks

Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind. 🙏❤️

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People just need to read the bible and believe in God's family

All rest is like u say Hugo fake

We are in devil's world 🌎 at min

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Believing on Jesus Christ & having a daily Real relationship with him, is first, the bible is a tool, a manual... If you dont know Jesus Christ, then the bible is just another book... Full of words, if you know Jesus Christ, as your Saviour... Then the bible, becomes Alive and active in a persons life...

John 3 16 🙏🏻 kjv

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Hey Hugo, what advice do you have for someone like me who was a lifelong Atheist until just a few months ago and now follows Jesus yet has a family who’re not only Atheists but anti-religion? Love to see a video about this.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Author

Well.... you have

1 Timothy 5:8, “If anyone doesn't provide for his relatives and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

But also God always makes it very clear in scripture that he must come first before family, which you can see in 'Binding of Isaac' test and Jesus saying he will bring division to families.

Its because God demands worship, God demands worship because He and He alone is worthy of it. He is the only being that truly deserves worship. he is the creator of all and everything after all. So this is what Jesus is talking about when he says he will bring division to families, its also warning against making other people, family members, making them into idols.

Loving your wife or husband and looking for guidance from them is one thing, But raising them above what should be God's position in your life is when it can become idolatry.

And then you have Christmas, which is a whole other thing.

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Christmas is the World, using a pagan festival to worship, their beast,... Christmas is a abomination....

It has nothing todo with Jesus Christ....

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Try to be patient with them. For many of us started as worldly people. YOU will be the testament to your faith. Your life will be the evidence to it. Be strong in the Lord, because some may try to pull you back into the world. Stand strong in the Lord. He's always with you.

I think you will also come to find that Christians are also anti-religion. It's a man-made construct, so following our Lord is not a religious act. We are Christ followers alone. Not religious. God bless you brother.

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Yes Amen A real Daily relationship with Jesus Christ

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A Daily Real Relationship with Jesus Christ, knowing His voice and being obedient to him, always looking to him & him only...

John 3 16-17 kjv 🙏🏻

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You are so awesome. Even on Christian freedom doctors, once in awhile they get off on vibrations, some of it is true like Emf being bad for you. However, then they say you can use a tuning fork to heal your cuts. They say there were pre civilizations before the earth. You and Scott Johnson on contendingfortruth.com are the ones that get it right, and Scott is only on a website now. Thank you for putting your songs at the end. They are all truth.

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