As always a great video Hugo. Thankyou for sharing with us. This one especially rings true with me. And I NEEDED THIS TODAY.... 😌 🙏🏼

Alcohol is classed as a "poison" & whenever you have a "cold one" it refreshes for a minute before leaving you thirsty for more 🤔

It is a nasty one. Avoid.

Blessings, love & Peace to all ❤️🙏🏼

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Thank you Hugo. Yes, spirits of any addiction promotes a counterfeit spirit. Seek the middle path & holy spirit streams of living water.

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A very sore subject, as I've seen so many lives ruined, and I've seen that angry, murderous look when someone is in an alcoholic blackout, knowing that the person was not in control. I saw that in my Mother's eyes once, and tried to run, but she caught me, and was choking the life out of me, when my Sister ran and pulled her off of me. And it was all because I wouldn't sing "Ave Maria", a song I didn't even know. I don't even think my Mother knows what she did. Once she ran her car into a freeway embankment at high speed, and realized later that she was about 10 miles from where she had last remembered. She barely survived. My husband drank himself to death, and nothing I did could help him. SO SAD. I hate that stuff. I hope this video will cause more to give it up, as it only brings misery and ruination. The worst part: separation from the Lord, just as the devil wants.

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1 Corinthians 5: 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator,

or covetous,

or an idolator,

or a railer,

or a drunkard,

or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

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Blessings ♥️ sister


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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

So I've been drinking "Kombucha" recently to help with my gut health. One brand that I have used "GT's Synergy" has a warning on it that says in part "......has naturally occuring alcohol....." So because of your video I went and did a google search and yes Kombucha can have alcohol/ethanol content as it's fermented.......sad to learn this but grateful for your video broadening my awareness......!

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Great talk and song Hugo! You've given more people a chance to realise what's going on in the spiritual dimension of our world and do further research - letting in the light.

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Thank you for your work, faith and courage in these dark times.

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🩷Yes! Exactly! 100 percent true! Stopped about 12 years ago under conviction to stop relying on false/counterfeit comforter. Amazing how much clearer my brain is now too. Thank you for this video. Sharing.

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