Thank you so much Hugo. 🇵🇹

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https://futurism.com/neoscope/mini-brains-human-tissue-living-computer CREEPY indeed, very unethical, one has to wonder, where they get the live human brain cells from? This practice of trying to mingle mankind with machine is about as demonic as it can get. Satan is absolutely jealous of God's Apex Creation: Man in His image, and will stop at nothing to try to destroy humanity. Satan doesn't succeed though, THANK GOD!!!

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Hugo, your interpretation that the false prophet is popular electronic media is the best I have ever heard. It ticks all the boxes and makes perfect sense. Is it an original Hugo idea or did you get it from another source?

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The King James 1611 AV Bible sits as a beacon of light amidst an avalanche of Devil Propaganda. You can trace it back to the Roman Empire and The Acta diurna, which was a handwritten gazette. Popular electronic media and the devices people access it with is what it has developed into now with the use of electricity in the last 100 years, so it goes way back. But its the use of electricity that has quickened the influence of the false prophet in these end times.

as it states Rev 13

The false prophet (2nd beast) "and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast"

The false prophet (2nd beast) "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,"

The "fire" is electricity, it comes down to earth like lightning, it powers the devices, the screens "in the sight of men".

The same lightning that Jesus spoke of when he said

Luke 10 18

"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

note KJV says "Satan as Lightning"

while modern translations changed it to Satan being "like lightning"

The deceivers want to make you think "satan was like lightning"

When KJV 1611 AV pure word of God states "Satan as Lightning"

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Yes, I get it. The preterist view is that Rev 13 pertains to the 1st century, but I see it as uniquely pertaining to final generations of this era. I do not believe the three numbers of the beast (600, 60, and 6) were meant to be added up but to stand as they were set forth in the KJV , with three sixes and three zeros. I personally believe the Gates patent "Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data" with its patent number WO/2020/060606 is directly related to the beastly number. WO stands for worldwide application.. 2020 is the year of publication and 060606 is the unique patent number. What is the statistical likelihood of this?

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All these things are sent to try us

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“The Devil wants to take as many as he can into the lake of fire and prophecy states he will take many, the majority of people. You don’t want to be one of them.”

Who in their right mind would elect to spend an eternity in excruciating pain burning in fire? I can’t image any worse misery and can’t help wondering how our Creator could justify such a vicious sentence on one of His creations who chose to live their life free from the threat of hell and damnation.

I understand the manipulative nature of the world we live. I see it everywhere, even in those who preach the Word of God whether on purpose or well-intended. That is my opinion, one I feel entitled to express so long as I don’t force it upon another.

Most internet Christians today seem obsessed with the idea that the end of the world is nigh. Many brag of having no fear while threatening others with destruction if they choose to see the world through a different religious/spiritual lens. I find it all so compromising, depleting and depressing.

But I’ve just incriminated myself through my admission. I must lack understanding or perhaps possess a corrupting spirit. I need to repent. It seems I love the world therefore the love of God must not be in me… enough said.

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We don't threaten...We just share God's Words of life. BECAUSE WE CARE, and every soul is precious, and its redemption ceaseth forever, and we don't want to see anyone send themselves to hell...and separation from their creator and His glorious light forever, as they chose not to follow Him. Jude 14:21-25 explains: Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference. And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy, To the only wise God and Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Praying for you, as we are free to choose whom we will serve. God doesn't send anyone to hell. They send themselves by rejecting His great love and sacrifices he endured so that all could be saved. The proper reply should be: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". Praying more make that decision while there is still time to do so, because we truly ARE IN END TIMES.

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Your videos keep me sane, thank you Hugo.

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